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There is a youtube link below for the book we are reading in class.

I will be sending home some activities related to our book as well.


I hope you enjoy these activities at home as it enhances what they are learning at school !



Enrichment Activities For Home:

I continue to encourage you to read to your child for at least 30 minutes a day.



Preschool Programs encourages the following activities to support continued growth and progress for preschool students in their home: 1. Read together daily with a family member to develop a love and appreciation for books. 2. Find ways to engage your children in daily activities that can naturally build rich conversations and expand their vocabulary. (Ex. cooking together, doing an art project, sorting laundry together, bath time play, grocery shopping, etc.) 3. Seek opportunities that allow your child to connect with others to help them naturally build their social emotional skills (playing family games, storytimes, social groups, visits in the community, etc. ) 



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